Neil Williams <> writes:

> On Mon, 19 Jan 2009 20:54:04 +1100
> Ben Finney <> wrote:
> > Neil Williams <> writes:
> > 
> > > The maintainer doesn't have to worry about -v [for
> > > ‘dpkg-genchanges’] - the sponsor does that with the final build
> > > that actually gets uploaded to Debian.
> > 
> > Ah okay. I've never had a sponsor do that; following your advice
> > with multiple releases between actually-gets-to-Debian releases,
> > I've only ever seen the latest changelog entry in the upload.
> Take a look at some of the ACCEPTED messages for emdebian-tools […]
> The interim versions, with all their bug closure entries, then get
> merged into a single .changes file (preserved within the ACCEPTED
> messages in the PTS) that covers all changes since the last version
> in Debian. OK, sometimes I forget but then it's my fault and my
> problem.

Yes, that's exactly what I was hoping to get from my packages (and
thought it was my responsibility to do so; I wasn't fully aware that
the sponsor re-builds the package and uploads the result).

I was pointing out that, though I've followed the advice to increment
the release number when I release — because I find that practice
sensible — I've never had sponsored packages contain anything but the
single latest changelog entry appear in the changes file.

I presume that this means your requirement, that a new release from
the maintainer needs a new release number, is not widely followed or
even well known among sponsors.

Now that I better understand how that all happens, I will communicate
with sponsors explicitly about this for future package releases, and
find out how they want to proceed.

 \      “I busted a mirror and got seven years bad luck, but my lawyer |
  `\                        thinks he can get me five.” —Steven Wright |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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