Adeodato Simó <> wrote:

> * Andreas Hoenen [Tue, 03 Mar 2009 20:21:18 +0100]:
> > This link might be of interest to you:
> > Looks like it will need some more time :-(
> Take a look again by reloading it in your browser.

You're right, Raphael's last message (#60) is good news.  Let's wait
whether the patch gets accepted and activated.

BTW, the time delays are interesting.  When I wrote my last mail
yesterday evening (CET), #60 was not visible in BTS.  Also the BTS mail
to me (I'm subscribed to the report) did not arrive here yesterday
evening.  Thus the Date: line in (#60) is somewhat misleading.

Regards, Andreas
Andreas Hoenen <>
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