Chow Loong Jin <> writes:
> On Thu, 2009-03-26 at 10:53 -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> That would mean it should go into contrib, which is for DFSG-free
>> things that can't be built or used without non-free bits.

> I'm actually considering using a postinst script to tell the user that
> there is a .jar that they need to download and upload to their phone,
> and possibly wget it as well. Either that or put details about this in
> README.Debian.

> Supposing I do either one of the above, would it still go into contrib,
> or can it go into main?

It's kind of an edge case since it sounds like the software on the Debian
side is completely functional without the JAR and the JAR is instead for
the remote system.  We package servers for which we don't package a
client, and you could argue that this is a similar situation.  I'd
personally tend to say that, doing the above and assuming my
characterization is correct, it would be okay to put that in main.

Russ Allbery (               <>

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