Patrick Matthäi <> writes:

> Christopher Schramm schrieb:
> > Patrick Matthäi wrote:
> >>  - There are much more different copyright holders for different
> >> files which are not listed there, try it e.g. with grep -r
> >> Copyright *|sort|less
> >>  - There are also some more missing licenses (GPL3, GPL-2+, GPL-2)
> >> in the package which are not mentioned in the debian/copyright file
> > 
> > I see... And the all have to be put in debian/copyright? Isn't that
> > going to be a bit bloated?
> Yes, everything has to be in it, look e.g. at the package tork =>
> debian/copyright, this is the realy hard part of Debian packaging ;-)

Note, Christopher, that there is repeated [0] and ongoing [1] heated
discussion regarding this very point, and a DEP [2] which concerns it

There is vagueness in the Policy and significant disagreement among
developers over whether ‘debian/copyright’ actually needs to list all
the work's copyright holders and statements. Current practice in many
packages leans toward “no”, while actions of (some of?) the ftpmasters
leans toward “yes”.

I don't know which way this is going to resolve, but it's good to be
aware that the position Patrick espouses may or may not represent
consensus of the Debian project.

[0] <URL:>
[1] <URL:>
[2] DEP 5, <URL:>

 \      “If you ever reach total enlightenment while you're drinking a |
  `\      beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose.” —Jack Handey |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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