On Sun, Jun 07, 2009 at 12:53:17AM +0200, Benjamin Drung wrote:
> I: libxmmsclient5: no-symbols-control-file usr/lib/libxmmsclient.so.5.0.0
> N: 
> N:    Although the package includes a shared library, the package does not
> N:    have a symbols control file.
> N:    
> N:    dpkg can use symbols files in order to generate more accurate library
> N:    dependencies for applications, based on the symbols from the library
> N:    that are actually used by the application.
> N:    
> N:    Refer to the dpkg-gensymbols(1) manual page and
> N:    http://wiki.debian.org/UsingSymbolsFiles for details.
> N:    
> N:    Severity: wishlist, Certainty: certain
> I have no idea, neither why I get this, nor how to fix it.
> debian/libxmmsclient5/DEBIAN/shlibs was created and contains
> "libxmmsclient 5 libxmmsclient5 (>= 0.6DrMattDestruction)". So why is
> lintian complaining?

16:04 < Ryan52> bdrung: a symbols file is different from shlibs
16:04 < Ryan52> bdrung: run "dpkg-gensymbols > debian/libxmmsclient5.symbols"
16:05 < Ryan52> bdrung: then it should be regenerated and installed correctly 
during build
16:05 < Ryan52> bdrung: tho you will have to strip off the debian revision from 
the version in every line in debian/libxmmsclient5.symbols.
16:10  * Ryan52 replies on mailing list since he's leaving

Ryan Niebur

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