Dear mentors,

I am seeking a sponsor for this new package, gvpe. It builds an secure
virtual ethernet between multiple endpoints and gateways, rather than a
straight end-to-end VPN tunnel. This makes it more resilient to failures
of individual nodes participating in the network. I filed an RFP
originally, but I've since packaged it for my own use and had it running
with no problems for some months, so I believe it's stable enough for
the archive.

It's written in C++ and includes sample configuration and full
documentation. There's one lintian warning about a manual page which
needs fixing upstream, otherwise it's clean with a pedantic check. It
uses just debhelper 7 and autotools. 

The license is a mixture of GPL versions, LGPL and custom grants that I
consider to be free according to DFSG. The copyright file is more
complex than I have worked with before, so there may be comments you can
make on it.

This upload will close bug 515307.

Even if you're unable or unwilling to make an upload, I'd appreciate a
review. You can find the .dsc on mentors at


Jonathan Wiltshire

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