Can you take discussions like these to d-d? Cause I think any
prospective packagers just turn away after reading threads like these.

Is it possible to keep these list for mentees to talk to sponsors
about questions problems and RFS and not use it as d-d death match
platform. Could you please discuss your issues behind the scene and
present only coherent/ or per-sponsor opinions here?

Eg. Some of the QA people would like to advertise QA uploads here is a
mail from them. But generally please still follow the usual packaging
guides and the usual sponsor requirements.

Cause I follow this list to learn tips & tricks from everything
mentors point out about packages. Also it is very interesting to see
reply's from sponsors about valid packaging/technical questions not
covered elsewhere. So far from this thread I've learned nothing except
that there are QA uploads and I better RFS one cause it's all

With best regards

Dmitrijs Ledkovs (for short Dima),
Ледков Дмитрий Юрьевич

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