[Filip Chabik, 2009-06-30]
> Dnia 2009-06-30, wto o godzinie 13:18 +0200, Piotr Ożarowski pisze:
> > few additional comments:
> > * use python-support instead of python-central if you want to join
> >   PAPT[1] at some point
> I'd love to do that. Where I can find some good resources about making
> proper Debian packages using python-support or python at all? I really
> don't want to relay on Ubuntu package any longer.

in majority of cases it's just:

| python setup.py --root=foo
| dh_pysupport

and then fill in Depends

see /usr/share/doc/python-support/README.gz or 
http://people.debian.org/~srivasta/manoj-policy/ for more
(the first file should be enough)

> > * move postinst content do debian/rules (hint: dh_link)
> Working on it. I might need some more help, but I still search for more
> informations about creating proper python packages. Any other hints than
> provided dh_link are very welcome (:

dh_link will create links for you
> > * remove postrm (if it's really needed, there's a bug somewhere)
> I haven't got enough knowledge to answer if postrm is really necessary
> or not. It removes /usr/share/gwibber after uninstallation  of gwibber
> from system (it would be done automatically but I'm using ln -s to
> libjs-jquery which aren't remove. I believe it's because of using
> postinst and not dh_link in debian/rules, is that right?).

that's right, see `man dh_link` for more

> > * provide get-orig-source rule (and use bzr's export command)
> If you could write more about this one, I'd be very happy (:

        REV=$(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | sed -rne 's,^Version: 
.*bzr([^-]+).*,\1,p'); \
        VER=$(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | sed -rne 's,^Version: 
([^-]+).*,\1,p'); \
        bzr export -r $$REV gwibber_$$VER.orig.tar.gz lp:gwibber

should be enough
> Thanks a lot for your time and instructions, really appreciate it!

/me goes back to PAPT/DPMT packages, there are some other small issues,
but I'll not steal a sponsoree from Kartik ;-)
> Pozdrawiam! (:

ja również :)

PS no need to Cc me, I read the list :-P

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