Hi Evgeni,

On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 7:29 PM, Evgeni Golov <evg...@debian.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Sat, 27 Jun 2009 22:08:59 +0200 mezgani ali wrote:
> > Ok Evgeni, you know it was difficult for me to divine it :)
> Yeah I guess so, no problem :)
> > > Ok, I'll have a look on Monday or so, quite busy right at the moment.
> For some monday==tuesday ;)
> I had a look at your package yesterday and prepared some proposed
> changes now, see the attached debdiff.
> First of all: you added python-support to Build-Depends, but did not
> call dh_pysupport in your debian/rules, so it was mostly useless :)
> And your debian/rules was soo long for a so tiny package :)
> debhelper knows perfectly how to handle python setup.py scripts, so I
> just put a
> %:
>        dh $@
> into debian/rules and let it build - much cleaner and now with correct
> pysupport integration :)

Yes i see this is a very useful tips.

> The other changes in the diff are against control:
> Depends: python-support comes out of ${python:Depends}, no need to add
> this manually, lintian complains about ${misc:Depends} missing, so I
> added it.
> Then I added Provides: ${python:Provides} - maybe someone wants so pull
> python2.4-ipcalc for some reason.
> And I reformatted the description a bit, as lintian complained about
> too long lines.
> So please have a look at the attached diff, understand it and apply
> it :)

> Whats still open? lintian complains about a missing watch-file. But
> upstreams page looks quite hacky and I did not find an easy way how to
> look up the latest version from it. You can add an override or an empty
> watch file with a comment, I usually do the last, but you can do
> whatever you want - or ignore the warning for the moment and tell
> upstream to publish the source in a more sane way.

> And while at it, please consider adding a README.source as
> described in Policy 4.14 and telling the others how to fetch the latest
> source and create a .orig.tar.gz (writing "go to URL, fetch the .zip
> and convert it with <command>" should be enough).

I applied the patch, i setup the watch file and the README.source
 Well you did the hard work for me Evengi ;)
The package seems to be lintian clean, please check :


> Regards
> Evgeni
> --
> Bruce Schneier Fact Number 188:
> Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle doesn't protect your qubits from
> Bruce Schneier. Bruce knows with certainty.

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