On Thu, Jul 02, 2009 at 04:34:09PM +0800, xiangfu wrote:
> thanks for the reply.

You're welcome.

> Jan Hauke Rahm wrote:
> > W: xburst-tools source: out-of-date-standards-version 3.8.0 (current is 
> > 3.8.2)
> > W: xburst-tools source: source-nmu-has-incorrect-version-number 0.0+200906-1
> > W: xburst-tools source: native-package-with-dash-version
> > W: xburst-tools: new-package-should-close-itp-bug
> > 
> > How can *your* package be a Non-Maintainer Upload? And how can a first
> I am the maintainer. maybe I misunderstand this warning.

No, you mis-used the changelog. Don't put a "Non Maintainer Upload" in
there if it isn't one. Just state "Initial release".

> > upload be a Non-Maintainer Upload at all? And where is your orig.tar.gz
> I don't know how to upload orig.tar.gz file to mentors.debian.org

The orig.tar.gz has to be considered at source package creation time.
therefor it has to be at ../package_version.orig.tar.gz (from package
source point of view). The version number in the changelog has to have a
debian revision which means having a dash in it (which is true for your

> > or did you really mean to build a native package? And what is your ITP
> no. I don't want build a native package, I want put is to Debian.
> > bug? Questions over questions... :)
> I have report a bug :
> ---
> Bug#535429: ITP: xburst-tools -- tools for Ingenic XBurst CPU USB boot and 
> NAND flash access
> --
> how to close a ITP bug??

By saying '(Closes: #535429)' in the debian/changelog.

> I am really new for upload package to Debian.
> just give me some help.

This is what this list is for. You should however read the relevant
documentation (New Maintainer's Guide, Developer's Reference and Debian


PS: Please don't CC me, I'm subscribed.

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