Charles Plessy <> writes:

> Very good point. So only the changelog is borken.

> I built the package with its UNRELEASED changelog with sbuild, which
> puts the schroot's name in the Distribution field of the changes control
> file. The inconsistency with the changelog went unnoticed by our
> tools. Luckily, the package was really intended for upload. I will fix
> the changelog at the next upload, the error does not seem to be
> disruptive.

We had a specific request for Lintian to not warn about UNRELEASED as the
distribution so that people could run it on each build and know that any
output meant a problem.  Unfortunately, that creates the possibility for
something like this to happen, since dput and dupload only look at the
*.changes file and don't care about what's in the changelog, and Lintian's
architecture makes it very hard for it to see a mismatch between the
*.changes file and the package.

Russ Allbery (               <>

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