Hi Harry,

a havent't sponsored your package, but I looked at it and have some comments:

On Samstag, 3. Oktober 2009, Harry Rickards wrote:
> I am looking for a sponsor for the new version 1.1.3-1

Please don't sponsoring requests too frequently to this list, you last for 
this package you've sent 4 days before this one.

> http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/l/lives/lives_1.1.3-1.dsc

Your gpg key is only signed by yourself. Please try to get some signatures.

Also it would be great, if you could convince the upstream lives developers to 
published sha1/sha256 checksums and gpg sign those. 

(So one can reliably check that the orig.tar.gz is actually the one published 
by upstream and the diff is actually the one from you :)

Then I saw the SaveFileName patch you apply via debian/patches is not 
mentioned in debian/changelog and I stopped looking further. 


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