Thanks, I'll working on it.

2009/11/11 Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. <>

> On Tuesday 10 November 2009 10:39:58 Liang Guo wrote:
> > Currently I'm using qspice, a  Simple Protocol for Independent Computing
> > Environments (SPICE) client as my console to connect to KVM. qspice is a
> > utility from RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.4,  and It is licensed under GNU
> > GPLv2.
> >
> > qspice and related libraries can be downloaded from
> > as
> > SRPM format, may I package it for Debian ?
> It doesn't matter who upstream is, as long as the software is DFSG-free
> [1],
> the maintainer is willing to do the work, and it would be useful for Debian
> users [2] it can be considered for Debian.  Even if it is not DFSG-free, it
> might be allowed in non-free.
> [1] In practice, patent or trademark claims could make something not
> DFSG-free
> even if the copyright holder uses a good license.  Or, (ala PINE) the
> copyright holder could have an odd view of a normally acceptable license.
> [2] If there's already a package that fills the same role, your package
> might
> not be considered useful for Debian users.
> --
> Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                   ,= ,-_-. =.
>                   ((_/)o o(\_))
> ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy         `-'(. .)`-'
>                    \_/

Liang Guo

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