
Am Wed, 18 Nov 2009 07:33:22 -0200 wrote
Rogério Brito <rbr...@ime.usp.br>:

> > I find the simplest way is to use *ManEdit*.
> Is this the same as gmanedit (that's the only one that seems to be
> available in the archives)? I remember having used it some ages ago and
> I wasn't impressed, but that was a long time ago.

I have checked the repository: 
 * manedit is in Lenny and Squeeze
 * gmanedit is only in Etch and Squeeze

Now I have installed the Squeeze version of gmanedit. And I must say:
No it is a fully other program as manedit. Manedit has much more
features and is simpler for use. It is very pity that nobody have
manedit updated to GTK 2.0. In contrast to manedit is gmanedit a simple
editor with configurable template.

By the way: I use some old but good GTK 1.2 programs: plan, nedit,

Fondest regards,
 Joachim Wiedorn

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