Gregor Jasny <> writes:

> I'm the maintainer of the libv4l package. It produces two binary
> packages: libv4l-0 and libv4l-dev.

> With the latest release upstream decided to rename it to v4l-utils and
> add some utilities.

> To be consistent with upstream I changes the package source name to
> v4l-utils.  But what actions do I have to take to take to replace libv4l
> with v4l-utils in the archive?

You may want to consider whether you really need to rename the package.
Renaming source packages is sort of annoying, in that you lose the link
between the old and new package in a bunch of places (the PTS, the BTS,
etc.).  There isn't any technical difficulty with upstream using a
different distribution name than the Debian source package name.
Sometimes it's easier to just stick with the existing name.

Russ Allbery (               <>

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