Hi Ansgar,

2010/5/1 Ansgar Burchardt <ans...@43-1.org>

> Hi,
> Julián Moreno Patiño <darkju...@gmail.com> writes:
> > * Package name   : amispammer
> >   Version      : 3.1-1
> >
> > The upload would fix these bugs: 579499
> I am not a DD and cannot upload your package, but though I would give
> some comments:
>  · debian/rules: The override_dh_auto_install target is useless.
>  · debian/amispammer.install, debian/amispammer.links:
>   Why don't you install the script directly to /usr/bin?
>  · debian/control: The last line of the description contains only a
>   single dot.

Done, I fixed all, I've uploaded it again.

> Also some comments about the upstream program:
>  · 'require "getopt.pl";'
>   This is no longer maintained and deprecated.  It only exists for
>   compatibility with Perl 4(!) programs.  getopt.pl suggests
>   Getopt::Long or Getopt::Std as alternatives.
>  · 'system("renice 20 $$ > /dev/null") if ($OSNAME ne "MSWin32");'
>   Perl has a setpriority function.  See perlfunc(1).
>  · Use of threads:
>   I believe that using Net::DNS::Async instead of starting over 90
>   threads for one DNS query each would make more sense.  Or use
>   Net::RBLClient, a Perl module to query multiple RBLs in parallel.
>  · auto_get_ip:
>   Screen-scraping web pages is likely to break in the future.
>   Also using split twice instead of /.../ to directly extract the IP
>   address is bad.
>  · Using "use strict;" and "use warnings;" is usually a good idea.
Ok, I am going to write to upstream author to suggest these changes.

Kind Regards,

Julián Moreno Patiño
Registered GNU Linux User ID 488513

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