
I am trying to package the LeJOS NXJ project, its a java apt and
replacement firmware for the Lego Mindstorms NXT. On the subject of
packaging, the LeJOS NXJ project releases there project including all
the 3rd party jars, pre-compiled jars and compiled firmware images and
JNI files.

I can remove the 3rd party jars and patch all the references to them and
can recompile all of the JNI files. But the firmware image for the
Mindstorms NXT is apparently hard to compile needing a custom setup of
the arm-elf toolchain. Could I include in the package a precomiled
firmware image? Also, do I just have to patch up the release so that it
will compile correctly, this involves packaging most of the bash scripts
and some of the ant makefiles or is there another option?



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