On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 10:30:51AM +0100, Geoffroy Youri Berret wrote:
> I would be glad if someone uploaded^Wreview this package for me.

you don't need to override dh_install, you can just rely on
debian/sima.install if you

* rename debian/sima.sh to debian/wrappers/sima (can't rename it to
  debian/sima because that's going to be a directory in the build
* change the "sima /usr/bin" line to "debian/wrappers/sima /usr/bin" in
* and likewise for simadb_cli

still concerning the wrappers: using a shell script is not what i'd do
in own packages, but i'm not sure about the pros and cons so i won't
recommend against it, but you might want to

* exec the python script instead of calling it, so that the sh process
  doesn't stay until the program quits
* put the "$@" in quotes so the arguments are not shell-unescaped again
* (optionally) avoid changing the working directory, and finally use

PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/sima/:$PYTHONPATH exec /usr/share/sima/mpd_sima.py "$@"


To use raw power is to make yourself infinitely vulnerable to greater powers.
  -- Bene Gesserit axiom

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