Mats Erik Andersson <> writes:

> I am working on an ITP regarding rgPaint and I maintain, ever since
> starting, the corresponding directory "debian/" at Alioth/deb-maint.

> Which is the correct location to deposit the corresponding upstream
> source archive? The builds on my systems use "tarballs/", but in
> conjuction with collaborative translation work for additional docu-
> mentation, the present matter comes to my mind.

There is no particularly good way of handling this with Subversion.  With
Git, you can just use pristine-tar, which is a far superior way of storing
tarballs than checking the compressed tar file into a version control
repository, but that isn't available for Subversion.

Some people don't check the tarball into anything and just assume that
anyone building the package will either get the current tarball from the
Debian archive or generate a new one if there's a new upstream.  Others
create some separate module in the Subversion repository and check the
tarballs into that.  Others organize the layout inside the repository so
that each package has the tarball at the top level of the package's module
in the repository and the unpacked files in a directory below that, which
means that debuild will work by default.

So, basically, you have to decide.  For the NVIDIA packages, we have an
nvidia-tarballs module in Subversion and check all the tarballs into that,
which has the obvious long-term drawback that we've accumulated some 3GB
of tarballs in Subversion and the overall Subversion repository is
therefore ginormous.

Russ Allbery (               <>

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