On Tue, Feb 08, 2011 at 03:17:09PM +0100, Julian Taylor wrote:
> Dear mentors,
> I am looking for a sponsor for the new version 1.1.7-2
> of my package "libmatheval".
> It builds these binary packages:
> libmatheval1 - GNU library for evaluating symbolic mathematical
> expressions (run
> libmatheval1-dev - GNU library for evaluating symbolic mathematical
> expressions (dev


I'm not a DD, so I cannot upload your package, but just a little note -
for some time now, the Release Team has expressed a preference to have
lib*-dev packages not contain the library SONAME in the package name in
order to ease transitions to newer library versions (when the SONAME
would change).  IMHO, you would do well to either:

1. Rename the libmatheval1-dev package to libmatheval-dev, add a
   Provides: libmatheval1-dev to its Package stanza in the control file,
   notify the maintainers of the packages that depend on it (it would
   seem that those would be h5utils and science-mathematics) to change
   their Build-Depends line to libmatheval-dev, wait for them to upload
   new versions with the fix, and then drop the Provides line.


2. Also provide a dummy libmatheval-dev package that simply depends on
   libmatheval1-dev and notify the maintainers of the packages that
   depend on it to change their Build-Depends lines.

Of course, it is entirely your right to decide that this is a change too
big for the first upload in which you are adopting the package; still, I
just thought I'd say that as a longer-term idea :)

Thanks for your work in adopting and refreshing the package!


Peter Pentchev  r...@ringlet.net r...@freebsd.org pe...@packetscale.com
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