On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 10:25:38PM +0100, Joachim Wiedorn wrote:

> Julien Valroff <jul...@debian.org> wrote on 2011-03-20 21:48:
> > The best I have found is to use something like:
> > <latest_upstream_release>+gitYYYYMMDD.<githash>
> Please be aware, that "+" is not the optimal connector.
> Try dpkg --compare-versions and see:
> a)   1.2.0  is less than  1.2.0+git2011
> b)   1.2.0  is greater than  1.2.0~git2011
> The version b) is the better way. So please use "~" 
> as connector.

From what you write, my understanding is:

        * if upstream is working on master *after* 1.2.0 has been released,
          you should use +git;

        * if upstream is working *towards* 1.2.0, ~git is the one for you.

By the way, +git seems safer to me, because upstream might change his
mind (remember when GNOME folks thought 2.30 would be 3.0?).

Andrea Bolognani <e...@kiyuko.org>
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