
I'm back to work on the package just today due to other activity in
Debian (and not).
Next days I will try to find a solution for the problem that you have
In the meantime, as temporary solution, would be fine if it remained in
non-free section. What do you think?  
We may also then file a bug to request to move the package on main.
Mine is not an imposition is just because I'd like to share with people
more experienced than me any choice.
I've also opened an collab-maint project on alioth [1] so maybe someone
helps me play with swf and mtask.

Finally there is a little problem with d/watch because the upstream
released 'latest.zip' without any minor/major number related to the
version but for this thing I can find a fast solution.


[1] http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/piwik.git;a=summary

Il giorno lun, 07/03/2011 alle 10.17 +0100, Julien Viard de Galbert ha
> On Sun, Mar 06, 2011 at 05:00:47PM +0100, Fabrizio Regalli wrote:
> > Il giorno sab, 05/03/2011 alle 23.56 +0100, Christoph Egger ha scritto:
> [...]
> > > 
> > > There are some compiled files like
> > > libs/open-flash-chart/open-flash-chart.swf that come without source and
> > > are not build from source during package build. Please fix that (or put
> > > the package on non-free)
> > > 
> > 
> > Hi Christoph,
> > 
> > I think the easy way is to move the package to non-free section.
> > Not sure about the package name: it should be piwik-nonfree? 
> > (something like flashplugin-nonfree or others) 
> > I've update the package on mentors.
> > Thank you for your revision.
> > 
> > Regards
> > Fabrizio.
> > 
> Hello,
> There are three flash files in piwik, two of them have source code, the
> third one might not be that important...
> However you might need tools outside debian to build them...
>  - plugins/UserCountryMap/PiwikMap.swf
>    This one is part of piwik code see [1],
>    it seams to be build using flashdevlop [2].
>  - libs/open-flash-chart/open-flash-chart.swf
>    This one claim on its website that it is open source [3] !
>    There is actually a copy in piwik repos [4] (could be nice to see if
>    they changed anything, as open-flash-chart could be a separate
>    package) seams to also build with flashdevlop.
>  - ./libs/swfobject/expressInstall.swf
>    That seams to come from Adobe... but it only seams to be a
>    placeholder when user don't have the proper flash version to ask him
>    to download flash... So it could probably be removed...
>  1: http://dev.piwik.org/trac/browser/worldmap/trunk/mapRenderer
>  2: http://www.flashdevelop.org/wikidocs/index.php?title=Main_Page
>  3: http://teethgrinder.co.uk/open-flash-chart/index.php
>  4: http://dev.piwik.org/trac/browser/open-flash-chart/trunk
> I remember some discussion about building flash on debian, when the bugs
> to remove the compiled .swf for squeeze (maybe [5]...). From that
> discussion I guess 'mtask' [6] could be one tool you need...
>  5: http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2010/08/msg00082.html
>  6: http://packages.debian.org/mtasc
> So to conclude, that's certainly not the _easy_ way, but it could be the
> best way ;)
> Looking forward to see piwik in debian.
> Hope this helps,
> Best Regards,

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