On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 1:19 PM, Tony Houghton <h...@realh.co.uk> wrote:
> W: roxterm-legacy: menu-icon-missing usr/share/pixmaps/roxterm.xpm
> W: roxterm: menu-icon-missing usr/share/pixmaps/roxterm.xpm
> W: roxterm-common: desktop-command-not-in-package 
> usr/share/applications/roxterm.desktop roxterm
> Should I solve these by duplicating the offending files in
> roxterm-legacy and roxterm, or keep common copies in roxterm-common and
> add lintian overrides?

I'd simply override them. Duplicating those files is a waste of space
and is unnecessary as long as roxterm(-legacy) depends on
roxterm-common. And lintian itself says it's ok to override it:

$ lintian-info --tags menu-icon-missing
N:   If the icon is in a package this package depends on, add a lintian
N:   override for this warning. lintian cannot check icons in other
N:   packages.

> Also, roxterm-common currently only Recommends: roxterm | roxterm-legacy.
> But I think I should make that Depends, especially if I override that
> last warning. Policy says it is possible, but should be avoided if
> possible. Avoidance is possible, but a mutual dependency seems the
> better option to me in this case. Agreed?

No, please avoid circular dependencies/dependency loops.
roxterm(-legacy) should depend on roxterm-common, but not the other
way around.

- Vincent

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