On Sun, 18 Sep 2011 03:22:24 +0300 Georgios M. Zarkadas wrote:

> Hi,

Hi everyone!

First of all: thanks to Georgios and to Osamu for their kind replies.

I have good news: I managed to start X inside my pbuilder-managed
chroot environment!   :-)
It was tricky and dirty, but it worked.
Moreover, the X session was not fully functional (xterm was not able to
start, as getpty returned an error: I had to start GVim and type in
commands through its :! shell...).
Anyway, I was able to perform the tests I had in mind.

If someone is interested in what was missing in my previous attempts,
I had to do the following (before  su - niceguy ):

  # mount -t sysfs sysfs /sys
  # vim /etc/init.d/udev
  (turn the first if statement in mount_tmpfs() into a comment, so that
   the script does not attempt to remount /dev after incorrectly
   assuming it is already mounted)
  # /etc/init.d/udev start

For this to succeed, I also had to stop udev *outside* the chroot

  # /etc/init.d/udev stop
  # umount /dev

All in all, it was very unpractical and dirty.
I would *not* recommend this procedure to anyone...

> From the answers of the other participants of this thread so far, I
> think that the simpler solution for your case is to: 
> i) Make a minimal sid installation in a usb hard disk with only the
> packages contained in the chroot plus the ones you want to test.
> ii) Boot the real hardware (the box with the graphics card) from the usb
> disk, start X the usual way and perform the tests.
> This does not answer your original question of course (I don't have a
> good answer to that either) but it will allow you to do the job, with a
> different type of throw-away test environment.

I agree with Georgios' suggestion: next time I need something like
this, I'll look into live-build and try to create a custom Debian Live
with the packages I need.
Once this customized Debian Live image is written to a USB stick, I
will be able to boot the real hardware from the USB mass storage device
and perform all the tests I want.

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