On Fri, 21 Oct 2011 16:53:31 -0500
Matt Zagrabelny <mzagr...@d.umn.edu> wrote:

> Hi,
> For those of you using git-buildpackage (gbp), I have a question I
> hope you can answer.
> I've got a source tree for which I am the upstream author, it is under
> version control using git.

Same situation as in some of my projects:

> It seems like it should be possible to use gbp to build the package
> without having an actual tar ball. However, it appears that it is not.

It is possible, you just have to tell gbp where to get the upstream
code, this is my debian/gbp.conf:

---[ BEGIN gbp.conf] ---
debian-branch = debian
upstream-branch = master
upstream-tag = v%(version)s
---[ END ]--------------

> I'm thinking of some pseudo commands such as the following:
> git tag 1.0

BTW, it is recommended to create annotated tags, e.g:

  git tag -a v1.0 -m "Description of the release"

> git checkout debian

after that you need to merge the new upstream version in the debian
branch, assuming you keep the upstream in "master", and you are in the
debian branch:

  git merge master

> git-buildpackage --using-tag 1.0

Just run


and that's it, the gbp.conf from above will use the latest tag to
create the .orig.tar.gz

> I know that gbp does not have the 'using-tag' option, but again, is
> there a reason that it cannot exist?
> I'd rather not have to create a tarball just to check it in with
> pristine-tar just to build the package.
> Anyhow, thanks for setting me straight! :)
> -mz


Antonio Ospite

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Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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