Hi all,

I've recently been extending my list of commands to run after a
successful build to check various things, I thought I would share it
with the list and invite suggestions of other things to run, any ideas?
Apart from licensecheck/uscan these are mostly about auto-detecting
potential issues, rather than extracting data the sponsor might want to

grep -i warn .../*.build
lintian /tmp/buildd/*.changes
cd /tmp/buildd/*/ ; debuild ; debuild ; debuild
cd /tmp/buildd/*/ && uscan --verbose
licensecheck --recursive --copyright /tmp/buildd/
cppcheck -j8 --quiet -f /tmp/buildd/
checkbashisms /tmp/buildd/foo.sh
pyflakes /tmp/buildd/
perlcritic -1 /tmp/buildd/
find /tmp/buildd/ -iname *.desktop -print0 | xargs --null -n1 
find /tmp/buildd/ -iname *.mp3 -print0 | xargs --null mp3check --error-check 
find /tmp/buildd/ -iname *.mp3 -print0 | xargs --null checkmp3
find /tmp/buildd/ -iname *.mp3 -print0 | xargs --null mp3val
find /tmp/buildd/ -iname *.ttf -o -iname *.otf -o -iname *.sfd -o -iname *.pfa 
-o -iname *.pfb -o -iname *.bdf -o -iname *.pk -o -iname *.ttc -o -iname *.pcf 
-print0 | xargs --null fontlint
find /tmp/buildd/ -iname *.ttf -o -iname *.otf | xargs --null -n1 ftvalid
find /tmp/buildd/ -name *.po -o -name *.pot | xargs POFileChecker
find /tmp/buildd/ -name *.po -o -name *.pot | xargs POFileSpell
find /tmp/buildd/ -iname *.png | xargs pngcheck -q
find /tmp/buildd/ -iname *.jpg -iname *.jpeg | xargs jpeginfo --check --quiet | 
fgrep -v "[OK]"

These are the packages used by the above list:

lintian libwww-perl cppcheck devscripts pyflakes libperl-critic-perl 
desktop-file-utils mp3check checkmp3 mp3val fontforge-nox freetype2-demos 
gettext-lint jlint pngcheck jpeginfo



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