
Dňa Thu, 22 Dec 2011 10:53:52 +0100 Benoît Knecht <benoit.kne...@fsfe.org>

> Slavko wrote:
> > I am looking for a sponsor for my package "nbc".
> > 
> >  * Package name    : nbc
> >    Version         : 1.2.1.r4-2
> >    Upstream Author : John Hansen <bric...@comcast.net>
> >  * URL             : http://bricxcc.sourceforge.net/nbc/
> >  * License         : Mozilla Public Lecense version 1.1
> >    Section         : electronics
> > 
> > It builds those binary packages:
> > 
> > nbc   - language to program the NXT bricks
> Here's a quick review of your package:

thanks for review. I have some questions, see bellow.

>   - lintian complains a bit:
>       P: nbc source: unversioned-copyright-format-uri
> http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5 I: nbc: spelling-error-in-binary
> usr/bin/nbc writeable writable I: nbc: spelling-error-in-binary
> usr/bin/nbc writeable writable N: 2 tags overridden (2 warnings)

I was reading thread about unversioned copyright format uri, which was
discussed in past days again here. Have i to use the unversioned, but
existing URL, or versioned, but not existing?

I do not know what with spelling errors. While i have created this
package for my personal repo some months (16) ago, i wrote about this
errors, but i get no response from author. Need i to patch the source, to
change from writeable to writable, please?

>   - You're not closing an ITP bug [1], although there's an RFP bug open
>     already [2].
>     [1] http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/
>     [2] http://bugs.debian.org/518230
>     You should rename that bug "ITP: nbc -- ...", become its owner, and
>     close it in your debian/changelog.


>   - I think your short description should include the word "Lego"; "NXT
>     brick" didn't ring a bell, but knowing it's a programable thing by
>     Lego made me realize what it was.
>   - Why don't you install the udev rule as a udev rule, instead of
>     documentation? dh_installudev can take care of it.
>     If you decide to keep installing it as documentation, list it in
>     debian/docs rather than debian/install.

I will move this from debian/install to debian/docs

>   - It would be easier having the man page as a file in debian/, rather
>     than creating it with a patch.
>     Also, it seems you didn't write that man page, but this isn't
>     reflected in debian/copyright. You should find out which license
>     applies to it.

OK, i can to mention it in copyright. But i adapt manpage from svn of the
bricxcc (which nbc is part of this) and i am not able to find more about
license of this manpage. Will be better to create the new manpage and
change copyright to my self, please?

>   - You've chosen the GPL for your packaging, but it's incompatible with
>     the MPL; would you consider using the MPL, or a less restrictive
>     license such as Expat?

no problem with change it to Expat.

>   - The copyright and license of the following files is unclear, and
>     isn't properly documented in debian/copyright:
>       GIFImage.pas
>       png/pngextra.pas
>       png/pngimage.pas
>       png/pnglang.pas
>       png/zlibpas.pas

For png/*.pas, i found at homepage
(http://sourceforge.net/projects/pngdelphi/) is mentioned GPL only. I do
not know which version i have to choose.

After some search i found the original source of the GIFImage.pas, where
license is included. But my english is not enough to proper understand
this license. Please, can you decide, if it is OK and point me, which
part must be included in debian/copyright?

************** Start GIFImage.pas license ************************

 This software, including documentation, source code, object code and/or
 additional materials (TGIFImage) is owned by Anders Melander (the
 Author). This License does not provide you with title or ownership of
 TGIFImage, but only a right of limited use as outlined in this License
 agreement. The Author hereby grant you a non-exclusive, royalty free
 license to use TGIFImage as set forth below:
 * integrate TGIFImage with your Applications, subject to the
   redistribution terms below.
 * modify or adapt TGIFImage in whole or in part for the development of
   Applications based on TGIFImage.
 * use portions of the TGIFImage source code or TGIFImage Demo Programs in
   your own products.

Redistribution rights
 You are granted a non-exclusive, royalty-free right to reproduce and
 redistribute executable files created using TGIFImage (the Executable
 Code) in conjunction with software products that you develop and/or
 market (the Applications).

 Without the expressed, written consent of the Author, you may NOT:
 * distribute modified versions of TGIFImage, in whole or in  part.
 * rent or lease TGIFImage.
 * sell any portion of TGIFImage on its own, without integrating it into
   your Applications as Executable Code.
 * bundle TGIFImage with commercial development libraries.
 * Charge for the value TGIFImage adds to your Applications.

Limited warranty         
 There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness for this software, it
 is provided solely "as is". Bug reports or fixes may be sent to the
 Author, who may or may not act on them as he desires.

************** End GIFImage.pas license ************************



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