Paul Wise  at "Sun, 25 Dec 2011 12:29:09 +0800" wrote:
 PW> I do not intend to sponsor this package, but here is a review:

 PW> Do you have a VCS for apt-spy?

All code is on github but I don't use git for the debian part. 

 PW> You might want to run wrap-and-sort -s

 PW> Why did you switch from a non-native package to a native one? The
 PW> debian/changelog file does not explain why.

I think that apt-spy would be usefull only on Debian. Do you suggest to
describe in the changelog?

 PW> The upstream Makefile says version 3.2.1 but you are uploading it as 3.2.2.

I'll correct is ASAP. 

 PW> You are claiming copyright on files that you didn't add anything to or
 PW> only changed trivial stuff in (relative to the version in the
 PW> archive), is there a reason for that?

I'll verify, it should be I did by error. 

 PW> You are modifying old debian/changelog entries from the version in the 

 PW> #515515 is not the kind of bug that should be closed in a changelog.

OK, I'll correct it

 PW> Please read the devref section about changelog entries.

 PW> Your debian/changelog entries could use some improvement, I would
 PW> suggest this instead:

 PW> apt-spy (3.2.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

 PW>   * New upstream release
 PW>    - Fixes segfault with option -m and special args (Closes: #645839)
 PW>    - Fixes another segfault (Closes: #447232)
 PW>    - Fixes segfault with with -v or -h options (Closes: #491802)
 PW>    - Fixes the region filter (Closes: #617699)
 PW>    - Fixes paths in the man page (Closes: #548591, #551344)
 PW>    - Doesn't get confused by leading blanks (Closes: #457049)
 PW>    - Inlines initialization of defaults (Closes: #317592)
 PW>    - Tests all of the IP addresses for a mirror (Closes: #320112)
 PW>   * Applied patch to copyright and other files (Closes: #645910)
 PW>   * Moved mirrors.txt from /var/cache/apt-spy to /var/cache/apt
 PW>   * Updated to latest policy, ???no changes needed?????

 PW>  -- Stefano Canepa <>  Sun, 18 Dec 2011 00:02:21 +0100

I'm going to correct it as you suggest.

 PW> There is an empty dir in the source package: debian/dir

 PW> Your postinst will cause the package to fail to upgrade if there are
 PW> any extra files in /var/cache/apt-spy or /var/lib/apt-spy/.

 PW> The comment in debian/lintian-overrides does not make any sense for
 PW> the tag that is overridden.

 PW> debian/apt-spy.lintian-overrides seems to contain

 PW> Why is debian/postinst under a different license to the rest of the 

 PW> Why is the debian/menu file in the package? apt-spy doesn't appear to
 PW> provide any sort of GUI.

I'll correct this error.

 PW> You have created a GPL incompatibility by licensing trim.h/trim.c
 PW> under the GNU GPL v3. Please switch away from the OpenSSL variant of
 PW> curl or relicense those files. The latter would require permission
 PW> from the monit copyright holders. You have stripped their copyright
 PW> notices out of those two files, which I think might be illegal.

 PW> Some files without any copyright holder or license were added.

 PW> You might want to switch to debhelper 7 dh rules.tiny style

 PW> I guess in debian/rules you meant to not set DH_VERBOSE.

 PW> cppcheck finds 3 resource/memory leaks.

I did not use it. But I'll try.

 PW> The README.Debian can be removed since everything in it is either
 PW> irrelevant or documented in the upstream README.


 PW> There is one gcc warning.

 PW> apt-spy is not available in Ubuntu, you might want to investigate why.

 PW> Please review the debtags to make sure they still apply:


 PW> Please add a screenshot of typical usage:


 PW> lintian warnings:

 PW> W: apt-spy: latest-debian-changelog-entry-changed-to-native
 PW> I: apt-spy: extended-description-is-probably-too-short
 PW> I: apt-spy: hyphen-used-as-minus-sign usr/share/man/man8/apt-spy.8.gz:117

I'll check again.

Thanks for your reply, I learned many thinks from you.


Stefano Canepa aka sc: -
Three great virtues of a programmer: laziness, impatience and hubris.
Le tre grandi virtù di un programmatore: pigrizia, impazienza e
arroganza. (Larry Wall)

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