Am 06.02.2012 23:29, schrieb Arno Töll:
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Hello Marcus,
On 06.02.2012 23:12, Marcus Osdoba wrote:
I am looking for a sponsor for my package "phpvirtualbox-4.1". I
use the package on my own on a headless server. It connects to vbox
via it's soap interface.

please get in touch with Debian's Virtualbox maintainers. They might
consider sponsoring you.

Thanks Arno.

I tried that some days ago, but didn't get an answer (but a week is not that long). Unfortuantly, I cannot find a link to the mailinglist archive for

Anyway, here is what I've written on January 30th:
Hello Debian vb team,

I have started debianizing phpvirtualbox [0] for my own needs and hope this is the right place to bring it up.
Please guide me if I'm wrong.

I use it on a headless server and feel very comfortable with it, so I think it might be useful for other users, too and it should enter the Debian package pool. The version I started with is phpvirtualbox-4.0 which applies to vb 4.0 installations only (4.0.x and 4.1.y are not forcefully API compatible).

Phpldapadmin served as an example and dh_make was used to create the deb-package source [1]. I have tested the build with dpkg-buildpackage and run through the install/remove/purge tests as proposed in the
deb maintainers guide.

I'm not a DM. This is my first attempt to package something for Debian. I can afford some time to package 4.1, too.

Please let me know if there are any chances to get this into Debian or if I broke any rules.

Kind regards,


After googeling around, I realized the mentoring workflow and went that way.

Kind regards,

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