Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal

Dear mentors and pkg-fontsers,

I am looking for a sponsor for my updated package "fonts-play".

 * Package name    : fonts-play
   Version         : 1.002+20111215.1+ds2-1
   Upstream Authors: Jonas Hecksher
                   : Dave Crossland
 * URL             :
 * License         : OFL-1.1 for font, Apache-2.0 for font-generation scripts
   Section         : fonts

It builds those binary packages:
 fonts-play - minimalistic sans serif typeface

 fonts-play (1.002+20111215.1+ds2-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Updated to build using separate googlefontdirectory-tools
   * Standards-Version 3.9.3
     - Set final DEP-5 Format: link

The Reason for the "+ds2" is that the googlefontdirectory-tools stuff
was removed from the tarball, plus that I already committed and tagged
a bz2 tarball to the repo as +ds1, prior to learning that pristine-tar
got some xz support :)

The package is available at mentors:
  dget -x

Alternatively the source is kept in git at:;a=tree
  git clone git://

I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.

Kind regards,

Martin Erik Werner <>

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