Stéphane Glondu <> writes:

> Le 07/03/2012 09:14, Goswin von Brederlow a écrit :
>> With a moments thought I would have 3 branches:
>> - master
>> - upstream
>> - pristine-tar
>> All developement would happen in the master branch. Then before the
>> Debian upload I would merge master -> upstream (excluding the debian
>> dir), roll an orig.tar from upstream and import that into the
>> pristine-tar branch, tag everything and finally build a non-native
>> package. This could all be done with a "make release" so it would be
>> effortless.
> Looks fine. I even suggest for yourself to merge master -> upstream
> before an upload only when there is an actual upstream change, and bump
> the upstream version number (and upload a new tarball to ocamlforge)
> only at this time.

Certainly. Uploading a new tarball that has 0 lines diff to the previous
would be stupid.

My thinking was that I would increment the debian revision if I edit
only something in debian keeping the package non-native. Only when I
edit something outside of debian would I change the version to native
(bumping the upstream version in the process). And for an upload I would
then need to make an upstream release to get back to a non-native
version again and only then push the whole thing to git.d.o.

All of that should be scriptable. So it would be just "make release" and
watch it go.

As for the merge. If there is nothing to merge because all changes are
in files removed from the other branch would git even create a commit
for the merge? .oO(If a tree falls in the forest ...)


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