Björn Esser wrote:
> Am 15.03.2012 00:07, schrieb Benoît Knecht:
> > Can't you just grab and unpack one of the prebuilt debian kernels
> > from the archive? qemubuilder can load an initrd image, so even if
> > ipv6 and ext3 are not built-in, it should work just fine.
> The prebuild kernels don't ship any initrd and I'm not sure how to build
> a suitable one on a different arch. Maybe there's some guide avail. for
> this.

Well, that might not be the fastest way, but the following works just
fine to generate the initrd; all you need is debootstrap, binfmt-support
and qemu-user-static installed (I will assume you want and armel
kernel/initrd in this example, but the same should apply for other

  debootstrap --arch=armel --foreign --variant=minbase sid rootfs-armel-sid
  cp /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static rootfs-armel-sid/usr/bin/
  chroot rootfs-armel-sid/
  debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage
  echo "deb sid main" >> etc/apt/sources.list
  apt-get update
  (You may want to mount /dev, /dev/pts /proc and /sys at this point.)
  apt-get install linux-image-versatile
  (And umount anything you mounted here.)

You should now have and initrd image in rootfs-armel-sid/boot/.

> > If you don't have other architectures available, you could just have
> > your package uploaded and see if it fails to build.
> I'm no dd so where can I upload and try to build it, but
> and wait until someone ITS it?

Yes, that's what I meant: have someone upload it for you, and then see
if anything fails. I don't think it's worth the trouble setting up qemu
images for every architecture supported by debian until you know there's
a problem, and have an idea of its nature. It might not even be able to
do anything about it if the problem is uninstallable dependencies.

> > If it does, you'll have access to the full log, and then you can ask
> > on one of the dedicated mailing lists; I'm sure there are developers
> > with access to those machines who'd be happy to help.
> Where / How to get in touch with those developers?

For armel, <>. I'm sure the other
architectures have similar mailing lists.


Benoît Knecht

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