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Vladimir Stavrinov <> writes:

> So I don't understand, why do You think my package is worse of those
> garbage and how it break "coherence".

I don't have a position one way or another on whether any of your
packages is worse than others. I'm saying you are receiving resistance
because “I want more users of this package” is not a good enough reason
for it to be in Debian.

> > Instead, you should make these works available to people as Debian
> > packages, but not argue for their inclusion *in* Debian until they
> > have demonstrated a track record of being useful to numerous Debian
> > users and
> What You mean? How to do this? And were this "track record" will be
> seen? It is already available as Debian packages on sourceforge.

Great! Please promote your works and build up a community of users,
maintain the packages there, and let's see how well they survive.

When there is a sufficient user base and a clear need for a package to
be *in* Debian, at that time it will make sense to propose it for

> And what further? "numerous Debian users" will seek it there? It sound
> like demagogy.

How you promote your packages is up to you. But promotion of your
packages is not sufficient reason to propose inclusing them in Debian.
And that is why you're receiving resistance to these proposals.

 \     “The Things to do are: the things that need doing, that you see |
  `\     need to be done, and that no one else seems to see need to be |
_o__)                   done.” —Richard Buckminster Fuller, 1970-02-16 |
Ben Finney

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