----------------- AUTOMATYCZNY raport antySPAMowy ----------------------
Oprogramowanie  do  wykrywania  spamu,  dzia³aj±ce  na  serwerze:
*** "fenski.pl" ***,
zidentyfikowa³o  ten email  jako prawdopodobny  spam. Oryginalna  wiadomo¶æ
zosta³a do³±czona    do tej, aby mo¿na by³o j± przejrzeæ, zweryfikowaæ  lub
zablokowaæ na  przysz³o¶æ. Je¿eli masz jakie¶ w±tpliwo¶ci, to kieruj je pod
adres the administrator of that system

Przegl±d zawarto¶ci:  W dniu 16.04.2012 18:39, Thibaut Paumard pisze: > Le 
   18:09, Thibaut Paumard a écrit : >> In response to: bugs.debian.org/669016
   >> Software homepage mentioned below: http://gyoto.obspm.fr/ >> >> Le 
   17:38, Etienne Millon a écrit : >>>> We also request that Gyoto 
   extensions or plug-ins >>>> leading to a scientific publication be made 
   as free >>>> software reasonably fast (within one year after publication
  of >>>> the scientific paper), for instance by contributing it directly >>>>
   to the Gyoto code base. Contributors will be listed in the >>>> relevant
  source files as well as in the AUTHORS file in the >>>> package. >>> I also
   believe that it is not DFSG compliant, as it is not possible >>> to make
  gyoto plugins that are both leading to a publication and >>> for private (or
   commercial) use. >>> >>> > Besides, the fact that gyoto is GPLed in itself
   forbids making > commercial plug-ins: > > 
   > > "Private" plug-ins is another matter. [...] 

Szczegó³y analizy zawarto¶ci: (5.6 zaliczonych, 5.0 wymaganych)

pkt  nazwa regu³y           krótki opis
---- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------
 3.6 RCVD_IN_PBL            RBL: Received via a relay in Spamhaus PBL
                            [ listed in zen.spamhaus.org]
 0.0 RCVD_IN_SORBS_DUL      RBL: SORBS: sent directly from dynamic IP address
                            [ listed in dnsbl.sorbs.net]
                            [ listed in bb.barracudacentral.org]
 0.4 RDNS_DYNAMIC           Delivered to internal network by host with
                            dynamic-looking rDNS
 0.0 KHOP_DYNAMIC           Relay looks like a dynamic address
 0.0 HELO_MISC_IP           Looking for more Dynamic IP Relays

--- Begin Message ---
W dniu 16.04.2012 18:39, Thibaut Paumard pisze:
Le 16/04/12 18:09, Thibaut Paumard a écrit :
In response to: bugs.debian.org/669016
Software homepage mentioned below: http://gyoto.obspm.fr/

Le 16/04/12 17:38, Etienne Millon a écrit :
We also request that Gyoto modifications, extensions or plug-ins
leading to a scientific publication be made public as free
software reasonably fast (within one year after publication of
the scientific paper), for instance by contributing it directly
to the Gyoto code base. Contributors will be listed in the
relevant source files as well as in the AUTHORS file in the
I also believe that it is not DFSG compliant, as it is not possible
to make gyoto plugins that are both leading to a publication and
for private (or commercial) use.

Besides, the fact that gyoto is  GPLed in itself forbids making
commercial plug-ins:


"Private" plug-ins is another matter.

They also force you to acknowledge using it in scientific publications.
I doubt it's DFSG free.


--- End Message ---

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