Dear mentors,

Now I fixed nearly all warnings from lintian and have made an update
of my Debian Package:

capi4hylafax (1: unstable; urgency=medium

  * New maintainer (adopted).
  * Move to source formate 3.0 (quilt).
  * Generate explicit patches of old source changes.
  * Fix to work with newer automake/autoconf.
  * Optimize some fprintf params (thanks to M. Muehlhoff).
  * Fix datatype issue: use __WORDSIZE for checking 64 bit arch.
  * debian/control:
    - Bump to Standards-Version 3.9.3.
    - Move to build dependency debhelper (>= 8).
    - Move to build dependency libtiff-dev.
    - Remove old versions in dependencies.
    - Remove old conflicts field.
    - Add recommended targets build-arch and build-indep.
    - Enable hardenend build flags. Closes: #653539
    - Add Vcs fields to new git repository.

  * Update postrm, preinst, prerm scripts. Remove old version checks.
  * Add postinst script to create /dev/faxCAPI as symlink.
  * Move default logfile to /var/log/hylafax directory.
  * Add logrotate configuration for logfile. Closes: #647164
  * Rename to filename capi4hylafax.init, move LSB INIT INFO to header
     and optimize dependencies in the header.
  * Fix small typo in manpage c2faxsend.1.
  * Update all automake/autoconf files (autoreconf).
  * Fix spelling errors in sources.
  * Add doc-base registration file with hints about documentation.
  * Rewrite copyright file (DEP-5 standard).
  * Add small manpage for faxsend script.

 -- Joachim Wiedorn <>  Sun, 17 Jun 2012 16:36:13 +0200

   Joachim Wiedorn

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