i am using sqeeze now and i want to move to wheezy.I have googled it and
find so many answers,but i  have installed some non free softwares in my
SQUEEZE . I think that it may give problems at time of upgrade.I am pasting

deb-src http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates main
> deb http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates main contrib non-free
> deb http://mozilla.debian.net/ squeeze-backports iceweasel-release
> #backports
> deb http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports squeeze-backports main
> deb http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports squeeze-backports main
> contrib non-free
> #mirror
> deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian squeeze main contrib non-free
> #multimedia
> deb ftp://ftp.deb-multimedia.org squeeze main non-free

can any one please brief the upgrade process?

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