this stupid DM process only make debian packagin more slower to evolution,
i have a problem uploading a debian mentors sig file and nobody respond and
solves my problem

On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 11:22 AM, David Bremner <> wrote:

> Hi all;
> Here are the minutes from the (apparently) annual "mentors-bof", thanks
> to Didier Raboud for taking them. It turned into a bit more of a
> tutorial session than last year, which I don't think is necessarily a
> bad thing. I also attach the LaTeX source for the slides; a pdf is
> available (somewhere) on
> ===========================
> QUOTE: Bremner: Gobby is not emacs, it's so sad.
> Some statistics:
> * 18790 packages are in Sid, amongst which 3036 are non-NMU sponsored
>  packages. If you use Debian, you are probably needing one of those;
>  you probably rely on any of them.  946 active DDs, 178 DMs, 906
>  sponsored people.
> OPINION: Bremner: There's a high barrier to be able to upload packages
> without a key in the /magic keyring/.
> OPINION: Bremner: Know packaging, love packaging, do packaging. This
> amount of work is the tiny part of getting packages sponsored.
> Bremner: sponsoring as a source for new contributors, not only about new
> packages; most of actual DDs have come to Debian trough getting packages
> sponsored, this shouldn't be underestimated as a source of future DDs.
> Bremner: There are DDs that sponsor, others that don't, various reasons
> undermine this.
> == The big picture ==
> There is sort-of a "command-line" shock: debian-mentors{.*} is not
> anywhere close to Launchpad™.
> The Mighty Steps to Getting My Package Uploaded:
>         * Prepare (Close your browser, open a terminal, GAAAAh !? )
>         * ITP (for new packages, reportbug wnpp)
>         * go package (get help from #debian-mentors, feedback on your
>            ITP    [probably not positive].
>         * upload (well, sort-of) to : Upload, QA
> check, …
>         * File a "Request For Sponsoring" (RFS) against
> sponsorship-requests. \o/ BTS fun
>         * Wait, Revise, Wait, Revise, More Wait. This time the feedback is
> most probably positive.
>         * Your Package Gets Uploaded™ (or not…)
> == "What packages belong in Debian ?" ==
> It recently came as a surprise to some that "someone wants a new package
> to Debian but it might very well be that `Debian doesn't want it`…"
> ITP serves three roles:
>         * Sanity check incoming packages
>         * First contact of new contributions with the Debian community
>         * Mutex to avoid multiple people working on the same
>           thing. (less important in sponsoring context)
> The perception of ITP depends on the side: the filer says "here's the
> work I did, I propose it to Debian", while "debian-devel" (if that
> exists) understands it as "here's a new package `Debian` will have to
> maintain.
> Closing RFS's is another (fairly rarely used) feedback mechanism: make
> sure feedback is given out soon enough.
> == Tracking sponsorship requests in the BTS ==
> After this experiment started, there has been been a lot more noise on
> the mailing list, but is planned to be improved.
> * 28 RC bugs fixed, 172 updates, 69? new packages; quite a successful
>   experiment.
> == Discussion ==
> Q: Bottleneck in those steps ^ ? A: Not enough sponsors.
> I: Teams are not an administrative barrier, they are probably a resource.
> Q: Maybe we are not communicating / enforcing the needed commitment for
> new packages: in fact, the lifetime of a package is in measured in
> multiple years (unstable->testing->stable->security-> …).
> I: Removal of packages doesn't only carry a /technical/ cost, it does
> carry a human cost too (users, …).
> Q: Do the packages need to be in english? A: Not necessarily, but
> description and copyright probably need both for sponsors and
> FTP-Masters team.

Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)

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