On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 08:51:58AM +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
> > The problem is Makefile files that are regenerated by configure called in
> > the clean target.
> > That these files are patched by debian/patches/debian-changes-* is another
> > problem, caused by this one.
> Sounds like a situation where I would get rid of the patch and switch
> to dh-autoreconf.
The patch is already dropped in sid, in fact it was never needed, it's
just the older dpkg being helpful and generating a crappy patch for you.

The (older) package runs ./configure; make clean in the clean target while
dh-autoreconf IIUC used for removing changes made in build targets. 
The current package replaces clean with distclean and doesn't have any
problems with repeated builds.


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