Hi Ole,

On 15.09.2012 16:04, Olе Streicher wrote:
> I accidently uploaded a package to unstable (python-cpl) that should
> have gone to experimental. How can I remove that from unstable but not
> from testing?

ftpmaster removals do only affect Sid. They are not propagated to
Testing (even less during a freeze). You can use the reportbug tool to
report a ftpmaster removal bug - pick the ftp.debian.org pseudo-package.

If you want to have a package removed from Testing, or even Stable, you
need to get in touch with the Release Team instead.

Moreover, it is not an ideal situation if a package is in Testing only,
but not in Unstable. Hence you could just upload a newer version to
Unstable, which is actually a downgrade (say, you have uploaded 1.0, but
Sid should have 0.99, upload something with a release number such as
1.0.really.0.99). That does not need any removal request.

with kind regards,
Arno Töll
IRC: daemonkeeper on Freenode/OFTC
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