
During the upcoming Paris MiniDebConf[1,2], some of the
mentors.debian.net maintainers will be meeting to work on the website
and integrate the work that has piled up since our last big release[3].

[1] http://fr2012.mini.debconf.org/
[2] http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/Miniconf-Paris/2012
[3] http://lists.debian.org/debian-mentors/2012/02/msg00673.html

During that weekend, package uploads and access to the site will be
disturbed as we will be doing much needed database cleanups and
improvements, and integrating the work Clément and Baptiste have done
during GSoC[4,5].

[4] http://wiki.debian.org/SummerOfCode2012/StudentApplications/ClementSchreiner

Moreover, I will be giving a talk on Sunday 25 november 2012 at 13:45
(UTC+1) about what's going on in mentors.d.n from the maintainers point
of view.

Spoiler alert: help is always welcome, and we need you!

If you're interested in helping us for mentors.debian.net, feel free to
come around on IRC (#debexpo on OFTC/irc.debian.org), or take a look
at our wiki pages[6]. The underlying technologies are Python, Pylons
and SQLAlchemy. You can also come see us directly during the MiniDebConf.

[6] http://wiki.debian.org/Debexpo

Thanks for your attention, and we hope you'll enjoy the ride (or at
least its outcome).
Nicolas Dandrimont, on the behalf of the mentors.debian.net maintainers

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