On 18:49 Mon 12 Nov     , Jakub Wilk wrote:
> * Vasudev Kamath <kamathvasu...@gmail.com>, 2012-11-11, 12:55:
> >Done changed to Expat License.
> Changelog now reads: "Changed License to Expat instead of MIT/X
> Consortium License as DEP-5 doesn't allow spaces in License name."
> But in 38-2 there were no spaces in short license names.
> Please double-check that there are no undocumented changes to
> d/copyright.

Ah this is what happened in previous mail you said copyright information
is wrong for some tools and while reading LICENSE file I noted it as
MIT/X Consortium License instead of MIT license which was previously
written in copyright. So I modified I did document this change I assume
then as per your suggestion I changed it later to Expat!.

> What did this line do, and why it was removed?
>       find . -name config.mk | xargs sed -i 's,-s ${LIBS},${LIBS},'

Not sure why it was removed, it was not present when I took over source
from Micahel. After reading man page for *ld* I see that this option is
used to strip of debugging symbols of the binaries. By removing these
tools will contain the debugging symbols so I'm not sure how to fix
this? The policy 10.1 says symbols should be stripped off with -s to
install also section 4.9.1  says about nostrip option does this mean by
default debhelper strips of symbols?

> As I understand it "Added VERSION for each involved tool to contain
> current version" is a change to debian/create_orig_source, not to
> debian/rules. (But then, this file didn't exist in 38-2, so
> mentioning it would be rather confusing...)

Removed the line from changelog

> "Added hardening flags options" is also listed as a change to
> debian/rules, but did debian/rules need actually any modification to
> enable hardening? I believe that with compat 9, dh took care of
> this.

Yes removed the line now

> Typo: manpage-hyphe-fix -> manpage-hyphen-fix.
> Switching to source format 3.0 (quilt) is not documented in the
> changelog.

Now added

Vasudev Kamath
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