Dear mentors, Anton,

I've recently updated my package "libaria"

 * Package name        : libaria
   Version             :
   Upstream Maintainer : Reed Hedges <>
 * URL                 :
 * License             : GPL-2
   Section             : libs

  It builds those binary packages:

  libaria-demo - C++ library for MobileRobots/ActivMedia robots (demo example)
  libaria-dev - C++ library for MobileRobots/ActivMedia robots (devel)
  libaria-dev-doc - C++ library for MobileRobots/ActivMedia robots (devel docs)
  libaria2 - C++ library for MobileRobots/ActivMedia robots
  python-libaria - C++ library for MobileRobots/ActivMedia robots
(Python bindings)

  To access further information about this package, please visit the following

  Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:

    dget -x

  Changes since the last upload:

  * Removed statically linked library.
  * Corrected Multi-Arch config for the doc package.
  * Building python-libaria package (SWIG generated bindings)
  * Building libaria-demo package

I've named the python package python-libaria, but the packaged module
is named AriaPy. Debian Python Policy states that the package name
should be the module name prefixed by python-, but on the other hand,
package names should be lower case (Debian Policy). Compromise would
be python-ariapy, but it seems redundant.

Also, I've added only the default python version to Build-Depends.
Hope this is OK.

Furthermore, I've packaged an example binary using the library in a
separate package (because of the Multi-Arch support). I've renamed it
from demo to aria-demo.

And last, libaria-dev-doc packages CPP examples for using the library.
I've also provided a Makefile there, that builds those examples in
/tmp (default).

PS I've tried to build the package in squeeze environment (for
backporting), and while it did succeed after adding backports
repository (for debhelper, lintian, ...), python package wasn't
correctly generated (uses dh_python2). Also, lintian complained about
Hardening, which should be handled by the backported debhelper 9,
right? Anyway, even if I do succeed in generating the package for
squeeze, would it be of any good (since I've locally added backports
to my squeeze environment).

Best regards,

Srećko Jurić-Kavelj, (Ms.E.E)
Research and Teaching Assistant at University of Zagreb
(Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Department of
Control and Computer Engineering)

Phone: +385 (0)1 6129 529
Fax: +385 (0)1 6129 809

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