Hi guys,

Neon Corridor has agreed to compose music for HyperRogue, under the
Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 licence. Is this OK for Debian?

I have also (hopefully) improved some things, taking Adam's comments into

Regarding the dead orbs: the description for Living Caves explains how
items work, and dead orbs work like other items, so I think there is no
need to mention that dead orbs can be used for digging in the Living Caves.
For the Alchemist Lab, I have changed the description and the dead orb
behavior, so that the same holds in this case too. So I think that the text
about uselessness can remain as is. (As for the games which lie that
something is useless while it is not, the gods in ADOM reward you greatly
if you find a use for an item called "potion of uselessness"...)

Regarding exploits: mentioned ways to get large scores are hopefully fixed,
probably there are still some ways to get large scores, but Cocytus now
works reasonably well and thus it should be OK, and for challenges or
whatever, a special rule could be added that you cannot stay in one place
too long.

If you want to look for more exploits, the current prerelease is at
http://roguetemple.com/z/hyperrogue-40b.zip (I am waiting for the complete
soundtrack before publishing this officially on the website)

The full changelog:

* music support added
* Cocytus works now (but is still available only via cheating or by getting
an insane score)
* Fixed the Crossroads description (there are no longer Crossroad Rangers
and big holes in the ground)
* if you collect a lot of items in a single land, this increases the
spawning rate of wandering monsters in all lands, so you are no longer
relatively safe by walking at the edge
* the cheat mode has been extended (press F2 F4 to start cheating, then
press shift+letter for various effects)
* when used on a location containing both an item and a monster, context
help now shows information about the monster
* pressing F1 or right clicking while looking at the context help now
displays the general help screen
* improved the general help screen
* improved the handling of non-qwerty keyboards (movement is done according
to the QWERTY layout as previously, but other menus take the layout into
account correctly)
* Ivies have been greatly improved: they shrink if an active branch sees no
good move (except at the root), they are now active as long as there is at
least one segment in view, and they no longer go to the Alchemist Lab (as
this caused bugs). Also, if you cut an active Ivy just after root or
another branching point, it immediately regrows and spins (previously it
regrew without spinning at the root, and caused bugs at other branching
* Worms are now active as long as there is at least one segment in view,
they now destroy walls and thumpers around them when they explode (so if
you find a good place for killing worms, it is hard to use it more than
once), and worms and tentacles can go to other lands now, except Motion and
Alchemist (but worms produce spice on explosion only in the Desert)
* Alchemist Lab: the description is more detailed now, killing lots of
slimes no longer degenerates the Alchemist's Lab into pure treasure, slime
beasts now destroy items around them when killed, and dead orbs no longer
cause the slime to spill
* Living Caves: Foreign monsters and objects affect the Living Caves now,
and cave trolls now destroy items around them when killed
* Graveyard: killing graveyard monsters slowly increases the initial
monster rate in the graveyard (so grinding for Dead Orbs is harder), and
necromancers can go outside the Graveyard now

Best - Z (I am leaving for a trip in two days, so I might find it difficult
to answer any queries)

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