I am DM, I maintain PyCUDA and PyOpenCL which are in contrib
as they require non-free drivers to run software on GPU.
I got bug report #722014 about non-free example distributed
in examples/, in python-pyopencl-doc package.

Basically example contains some code with:
"Copyright NVIDIA. ALl rights reserved.
NVIDIA Corporation and its licensors retain all intellectual property
proprietary rights in and to this software and related documentation.
Any use, reproduction, disclosure, or distribution of this software
and related documentation without an express license agreement from
NVIDIA Corporation is strictly prohibited."
This copyright is mentioned in debian/copyright

I have forwarded it to upstream asking whether they know
anything about it.
Fixing it in Debian will be easy - I'll just repackage
source removing this file from examples/ directory.

Unfortunately packages with this file are in Squeeze and
Wheezy. Should I upload fixed packages to stable and unstable?
Developer Reference 5.5.1 says that package should only be uploaded
to stable when there is security issue, critical functionality problem,
package is uninstallable or some architecture lacks package.
None of those occurs - but at the same time there is problem
with copyright.
I might backport PyOpenCL with fix but it'll not fix problem;
Squeeze will still contain version with bad file.

Should I fix only unstable, or upload new packages (including new
*.orig.tar.gz) to stable and oldstable?

Best regards.

Tomasz Rybak  GPG/PGP key ID: 2AD5 9860
Fingerprint A481 824E 7DD3 9C0E C40A  488E C654 FB33 2AD5 9860

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