On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 06:58:43PM +0100, Andrew Bakin wrote:
> 1) Should I be trying to use the build.sh script at all?
I don't know what does this script actually do. If it's the only way to
compile the library then it's much better to provide a sane build system
like a Makefile instead.

> If not, I need a
> mechanism for copying some files in the deb package (a udev rule). I know I
> can do this in debian/rules - more reading required.
dh_install(1) can copy files.

> 2) Should I use dh_make -s or dh_make -l (single binary or library)?
I'd say one shouldn't use dh_make to create package skeletons but then I'd
say one shouldn't start packaging with a shared library, especially
written by themselves...

> I used -l as you might expect but ran into all sorts of problems with
> laika-dev asking for files in usr/include which I didn't understand.
You need to install your headers (just like all other files) into a proper
package which you probably don't do. Not enough data to tell more.

> 3) Also, I have used dh_make --native to stop quilt complaining about
> upstream modifications. I don't understand this part yet so have bypassed
> it. Is this an issue?
You should never make a package native unless you understand what does
that mean. quilt complains most likely because you don't have a working
`make clean`.

> I originally planned to have the same deb contain some python packages but
> I have decided to split it up so the python stuff gets a package of its own
> which depends on laika-1.0.0. Is this the right way to go?
Probably. Not enough data.


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