On 27/01/2014 04:25, Andrew Starr-Bochicchio wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 5:20 PM, Kai Storbeck <k...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
>> I have updated roundup_1.5.0-1 per the 17th of October with a few
>> changes after getting feedback by Sebastian Ramacher.
> Hi Kai,
> I came across your package on mentors, and I am interested in
> sponsoring it. Though, I ran into a few issues that need to be fixed
> first.

Hello Andrew,

Thanks for your response. I've marked the package as "no need for a
sponsor", but your feedback is very welcome.

Perhaps my discussions with Sebastian should've been Cc'ed to this bug.

> 1) You seem to maintain the packaging in a VCS:
>>   * Move to git-dpm packaging
> In that case, it is very useful to include Vcs-{Git, Svn, Bzr} and
> Vcs-Browser fields in debian/control:
> https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-VCS-fields

Perhaps you can help me with this.

Since I'm joining the python application packaging team, I'll be moving
to SVN. I'm probably going to import the last uploaded version (1.20-1
or 1.1?) to svn.debian.org with this command:

$ svn import -m "New import" roundup \

Would that do the right thing? I presume I now have access to
svn.debian.org, being in the team listing on Alioth? Would you know that?

If you don't know, I'll ask on the debian-python listing.

> 2) There are minified version of JQuery and Bootstrap located in:
> share/roundup/templates/jinja2/static

Thanks. I'm aware of that; Sebastian pointed this out too. I've already
posted upstream to ask them to include a non-minified version.

For 1.5.0 I'm a bit in the dark on how to proceed. Can I remove those
files, and ship a symlink to jquery and bootstrap packages? Or should I
make a full-fledged _dfsg.tgz file, and build from that?

> As you already remove other copies of JQuery in other templates, you
> probably already know that you should use the system copies.
> Additionally, minified JavaScript objects that are installed with the
> binary package must be built from source. Same goes for the minified
> Bootstrap css files in that directory.

Ah. css too. Sometimes I think its less work to let upstream build a
package, and let it drop from debian.

> Also, as long as these files are shipped in the tarball, their license
> information needs to be documented in debian/copyright.

Ouch. They are using bootstrap 2.2.2. That tarfile is not downloadable
from getbootstrap.com anymore, so I can only guess that this was
licenced under Apache 2.0. Would that be enough?

So, what should I do: remove the not working template from 1.5.0, or
ship with a broken template? We're talking 1.5.0, since 1.5.1 is not
released yet, and I haven't heard words about estimates.

> 3) You seemed to remove some necessary bits from your postrm to clean
> up when purging the package. From piuparts:
> 3m20.5s ERROR: FAIL: Package purging left files on system:
>   /etc/roundup/ owned by: roundup
>   /etc/roundup/service/ not owned
>   /etc/roundup/service/log/ not owned
> 3m20.5s ERROR: FAIL: Installation, upgrade and purging tests.

I'm aware of that too. I hadn't started working on both issues, pending
my move to subversion.

> There maybe further issues. This is just as far as I got. I'd be happy
> to do a closer review and hopefully sponsor the package once these
> problems are fixed.
> Thanks for your work on Debian!

Cheers. I find it quite a lot of work for a niche leave-package, and its
not an easy package to start out with. Sadly.


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