Thanks Dmitry for the close review and the valuable hints for further
improvements. I'll get through it, luckily there is still some time
until the package really gets AUTORM.
On 14.07.2014 08:21, Dmitry Smirnov wrote:
Hi Daniel,
I'm not sure if I have enough time to familiarise myself with the package to
sponsor it but I had a quick look so here is my feedback and improvement
Although debian/copyright is almost comprehensive it still misses some
organisations, notably "2007 INRIA" (AKA Dolphin?), "2006 LIFL" (AKA OPAC?).
Worth to clarify.
Besides copyright file feels not very human-readable and therefore it is hard
to review. I understand the effort that will be necessary but I still hope
that eventually (when convenient) the following improvements can be made:
* Sorting (please alphabetise copyright holders)
* Padding with spaces (to make lists appears more like tables i.e. add spaces
between copyright year and name if necessary to make all names begin from the
same column). This will increase readability.
* Ideally it will be nice to have contact emails listed as well. Many of them
can be harvested from source files.
* I prefer to be more precise regarding years of copyright so I would remove
trailing commas after copyright years. When year of copyright written like
"2007," it may create wrong impression that person is still actively
contributing which is not true on many occasions. I believe it is better to
write "2007-2011" and never use ambiguous trailing commas.
I've noticed that package is not using dh_python2. I do not have enough
experience with Python to say whether it is a good or bad thing. I also think
that package could use more debhelper functionality. This is not a problem but
I'd prefer someone (other than me) who have more Python experience to review
and upload. Hopefully someone from Python team could help?
Gamera_gui exposes its modules globally which may be unnecessary. I understand
that according to Python policy it is desirable to install application's
modules privately. In that sense "python-gamera" obviously should be exposed
in global name space but "gamera-gui" may be better to hide its modules.
`cme check dpkg-control` (from "libconfig-model-dpkg-perl") reported
unnecessary versioned dependencies. This is the opportunity to clean
Finally my biggest concern is new dependency on wxwidgets2.8.
There is on-going transition to wxwidgets3.0:
So if I understand situation properly your package will be blocking this
transition (if uploaded as is) and therefore it will be affected by yet-to-be-
filed "serious" bug. IMHO it will be ideal to migrate to wxwidgets3.0 before
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