Control: tags -1 pending

On 06-08-14 13:57, Yavor Doganov wrote:
>> Then I really suggest to create the images (and the wav?) from that
>> file during building. I share the opinion of many (most?) DD's that
>> the only way to make sure that we can build from sources with tools
>> available in Debian is to actually do that.
> That's news to me.

Is it? I thought I saw you doing the same thing with the some xpm files
in multiple GNUstep packages.

> Only one package in the archive build-depends on
> blender (gfpoken) and that is because the upstream build system
> invokes blender.  Only three packages build-depend on gimp (gfpoken,
> openntd-opengfx, xbmc) -- for the first two gimp is invoked by the
> upstream build system, and xbmc uses it to regenerate a logo with
> Debian modifications (which looks reasonable).

Well, I do it in multiple of my packages, e.g. in Winff to create the
pdfs from Libre Office files.

> Using blender to regenerate the png files has no practical benefit, it
> will only make the package not buildable on architectures where
> blender is not installable or not yet built.

True. An alternative would be to create a target in the rules file that
can be used once in a while to check it is possible. Anyways, this is
not a hard requirement by me (it might be for others).

> If there is a consensus among DDs that all arch-indep files should be
> regenerated during build I suggest to make it legitimate by
> documenting it in the Debian Policy.

That is a good idea. When I have better internet access, I will check
for past discussion and hopefully follow-up on it.

> A far more serious concern is whether the .gorm files will be loadable
> with future gnustep-gui releases or editable with future
> versions.

Can you help me a bit, how does this work? Are the .gorm files in the
packages created by the maintainer? Are they the source files, or
created during building? (I must admit I don't have a clue how this all

>> In that case, please verify that the blender file is really the
>> source of the images and document that fact in either d/copyright or
>> in a comment in d/rules
> Why should I document this?  I really don't understand this
> requirement and where it comes from.

Well, it comes from me as I had to ask you during the reviewing how this
all works. If it is documented, you don't need to do the same next time
(with a next sponsor or otherwise interested person).

>> The location of icon in the desktop file point to /usr/lib/
> AFAICT this is not a bug.

Sure not. But I think it makes sense to use the canonical location. On
the other hand, you also gave an argument of using the /usr/lib location.

Building now, uploading soon.


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