Hi Daniels,

On Mon, 2014-09-15 at 21:07 +0100, Daniel Lintott wrote:
> On 15/09/14 20:49, Daniel Svensson wrote:
> > On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 9:45 PM, Daniel Lintott <dan...@serverb.co.uk
> > <mailto:dan...@serverb.co.uk>> wrote:
> > 
> >     Hi Daniel,
> > 
> >     On 15/09/14 20:13, Daniel Svensson wrote:
> >     >   * Add me to Maintainers since old maintainer is M.I.A.
> > 
> >     Did the MIA Team actually orphan the package, as I can't find a WNPP bug
> >     for abraca?
> > 
> >     I may be wrong, but I believe unless the package is orphaned, it's not
> >     possible to become maintainer.
> > 
> >     I may be wrong here though
> > 
> > 
> >  I'm not sure where I can see if a package is orphaned or not, but the
> > maintainer doesn't reply to my emails and haven't updated the package
> > even though I've provided all the changes needed to both the debian
> > packaging and the software. I have no strong opinion in any direction on
> > how to progress. I just want the package into testing again before the
> > freeze and will comply with any recommendations you have to make this a
> > smooth ride.

> I've just double-checked the WNPP package[1] to check for a bug for
> abraca... but can't see one, so it's possible it hasn't yet been orphaned.
> It can be frustrating when dealing with old packages and inactive
> maintainers. The process the MIA Team follow is laid in [2].
> I'm not a DD myself, so I can't say I know the exact way to proceed...
> as a guess it may be worth dropping an email to the MIA Team [3] to find
> out what is happening.
> Sorry I can't be of more use.... Hopefully one of the DD's or more
> knowledgeable folk on here may have some better answers too.

There are no indications that the package has been orphaned, so it
likely hasn't.

However, I'really appreciate the effort to bring it into testing, and
your solution would be: NMU it.  ;-)
So prepare it as a NMU and reupload it to mentors and then ping me.
(I'll take a look when I find a minute; note: I *did* not look into the
package yet, so I've not decided yet if I sponsor the upload)

As The MIA database is only working for DDs, and the current maintaier
isn't one, one can only guess from his DDPO: the last known actvity was
March 2012. So there is a indications of MIA.

Yes, you really should contact the MIA team and make them aware of this
possible MIA. Please send them the mails to already sent. That will help
them... However, lets try another ping right now.

Fabrizio: Can you please briefly reply and give an indication if you
still interested in maintaining abraca. If not, just reply that it is ok
to orphan.


> Regards
> Daniel
> [1] http://bugs.debian.org/wnpp
> [2] https://wiki.debian.org/qa.debian.org/MIATeam
> [3] https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/MIA

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