Am Monday, den 06.10.2014, 15:36 +0200 schrieb Alexandre Detiste:
> Hi,

> > -> Change the Orphaning Bug to an Intent-To-Adopt-Title (ITA:) one and
> > set yourself as owner (see
> > and; bts(1) is also a useful
> > tool for manipulating bug status)
> Done, I wish I knew bts existed before.
> > -> Close the Bug in your d/changelog. (some entry like "New maintainer
> > (Closes: #763888) -- (d/ is short for the debian/ directory in your
> > package)

Not what I meant. It's still a QA-Upload they way you writing it in
d/changelog but you are adopting. Write:

cruft (0.9.18) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New Maintainer (Closes: #763888)
  * Overhaul ruleset for recent kernels & systemd
  * Closes: #702853 : explain cgroups,devtmpfs and other special fs
  * Bump DebHelper compat from 5 to 9

(note the line removed in the last section)

> > -> Set yourself as Maintainer in d/control (and remove the likely
> > inactive Uplpoader; he can be added in case of again)
> Ok

See previous mail with the lintian error.

> > > I already solved 3 bugs, they will be automaticaly closed by the amended 
> > > changelog.
> > Thats the way to go. If you like, you can also tag those bugs "pending"
> In fact, those fixes are already included in the last upload from Marcin
> that is already in sid.

If they already closed by a previous, the approach is different:
Manually close them by sending a mail to and
noteing with the Fixed command (see )

Do not close bugs in the changelog when it not the new version that
fixes it!

> (cruft-ng)
> > Just one remark: Depends should be only used when
> > appropriate -- refer to Policy ยง7.2  -- so only if cruft-ng requires
> > cruft to operate)
> It does well requires all the _rules_ from the explain/ & filters-unex/
> directories. The proper way to do it would be to have an
> arch-indepedant "cruft-data" package with theses rules,
> with two arc-dependant "cruft" & "cruft-ng" that depend on this.

Good idea, and thats not so much work to do it, if you just need to copy
files into a different package. (dsclaimer: i didn't check if my claim
is right in this case).
But lets keep that on the TODO for the moment, and talk about that when
introducing cruft-ng, as there is no need before that.

> Though, this is much work; I guess that people willing to rewrite
> cruft could also just do a "git clone ; cd ; make" to try it out.
> > -> d/dirs *might* not be needed, as debhelper will create the dirs for
> > you usually. So check if can be cleaned up
> I've forgotten this little bit in my last upload to mentors.
> Only the empty folders should be there. (/var/... & /etc...)

You did not touch that file...

As said, if you are quick, I will upload today. (Otherwise after my


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